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Bank: IBAN NL 59 INGB 0006853075
VAT-nr: NL857161313B01
Chamber of Commerce: 67752209
Interdisciplinary sociologist & advisor
Salman is no stranger to us. After he finished his internship he stayed on as an advisor. Salman works on various projects and will be active in the Kolenkit neighbourhood, the development of Gulden Winckel and the Stadsmakersfonds. Moreover, Salman is a born and raised Amsterdammer. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from University College Utrecht with a focus on anthropology, human geography and history. He also finished his master in Sociology of International Development at Wageningen University (WUR).
Salman is ambitious and engaged. At STIPO he focusses on the social aspects of urban development.
My work:
● Integral Regeneration of Kolenkitbuurt Amsterdam-West
● Placemaking Sixhaven
● Charging the Commons
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Bank: IBAN NL 59 INGB 0006853075
VAT-nr: NL857161313B01
Chamber of Commerce: 67752209