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Our work can be found in the neighborhood, city, community, national and international networks for 25 years.


STIPO has co-founded various initiatives together with our partners. Here we give an overview of a few of the organisations, networks and initiatives that we participate in.

The City at Eye Level (2012 - present time)

In 2015, STIPO initiated The City at Eye Level, which has since grown into a book series and international program for a more human scale and social life as the basis for the city. Several editions have been released together with 200+ co-authors and partners: The City at Eye Level – Lessons for Street Plinths (in collaboration with UN-Habitat, Project for Public Spaces and Gehl Architects), The City at Eye Level in the Netherlands, The City at Eye Level for Kids (in collaboration with the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the Center for the Future of Public Spaces) and The City at Eye Level Asia (initiative of Stipo, Think City and Urban Discovery).

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ZOHO Rotterdam (2015-2019)

Together with Havensteder, the municipality of Rotterdam and a community of 100 co-investors initiated by STIPO, we developed the ZOHO area. ZOHO (the Zomerhofkwartier) was an outdated reconstruction business area on the edge of the city center of Rotterdam. Now it is an area with manufacturing companies, social enterprises and city makers.

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Club Rhijnhuizen (2017 - present time)

Club Rhijnhuizen is the first Dutch area cooperative. The club is an initiative of Stipo and Vlieger Projecten, in collaboration with the Municipality of Nieuwegein, the Province of Utrecht and Stadkwadraat, and with 300 residents, developers, owners and initiators from the area.

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Placemaking Europe (2018 - present time)

In 2018, STIPO initiated a network for placemakers in Europe. The network now has more than 3,000 active participants throughout Europe, 100 leaders and 15 work groups. An affiliated conference called Placemaking Week Europe is organised every year to bring people together and consolidate knowledge.

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Our City? (2019 - present time)

Our City? is a book and program about combating exclusion in public space, set up with our partners from Placemaking Europe and Project for Public Spaces and published under our own name (STIPO Publishing).

Het Stadmakersfonds (2019 - present time)
The Stadmakersfonds is an investment fund for city makers, established as an independent foundation initiated by Stipo and Stadkwadraat, with partners from the Province of Utrecht and Triodos Bank. After the launch in Utrecht, the Advisory Council and the Board of the Stadmakersfonds have the ambition to expand to other provinces and to grow into a national fund for city makers’ initiatives.
CoMaker (2019 - present time) 

CoMaker is the “public developer” behind projects such as ZOHO and De Wasserij.

STIPO, Stadkwadraat and Van Schagen Architecten have joined forces and founded a social developer: CoMaker BV. In its real estate projects, this developer focuses on maximum social return, based on a healthy business case.

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The Real Play City Challenge (2020 - present time)

The Real Play City Challenge is a worldwide competition for child-friendly placemaking. The challenge is a collaboration with Huasipichanga, Hannah Wright, PlacemakingX and the Real Play Coalition. The Real Play Coalition consists of Unicef, National Geographic, Lego Foundation, Ikea and Arup.

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But this is certainly not all! Curious about our other initiatives?