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Bank: IBAN NL 59 INGB 0006853075
VAT-nr: NL857161313B01
Chamber of Commerce: 67752209
Advisor and projectmanager
Brigitte works as an advisor and project manager for STIPO.
She has a background in area development, economic and circular policy development, strengthening local economies, community building, and connecting entrepreneurship. In her projects, she combines these aspects with her passion for a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient society.
She quickly identifies the potential of a place or a group and knows how to make it visible and tangible through interventions and initiatives. Sometimes it requires organizing something, sometimes bringing people together, and sometimes simply taking action. Brigitte understands what is needed to set things in motion—whether it’s activating a neighborhood space, launching a new concept, or revealing hidden potential. With a future-oriented perspective, she advises on the necessary steps to achieve long-term goals.
She enjoys working at the intersection of government, entrepreneurs, and residents, striving to create a shared vision that respects everyone’s interests and involvement. She sees urban transformations and new developments as catalysts for accelerating a sustainable future and generating multiple benefits for both people and nature. Thanks to her experience, she can easily step into others’ perspectives and worlds.
Beyond her work, Brigitte is an active city maker in her own community—greening public spaces, organizing neighborhood activities, and supporting emerging circular entrepreneurs and local initiatives.
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Bank: IBAN NL 59 INGB 0006853075
VAT-nr: NL857161313B01
Chamber of Commerce: 67752209